Monday, December 15, 2014


      A new season of Digimon is coming out that follows the story of the original 8 after the 1st season. I am extremely excited to see it but it does have many flaws just by looking at the poster. There are two different opinions going around about how great it will be and how terrible it could be. I am somewhat disappointed in this poster and if the anime is anything like this i hope it will have a very redeeming quality.
     I for one like the art if it were its own separate show or a reboot but it doesn't look like anything remotely similar to the original. The poster itself is also terrible look at kari and sora's face they are exactly the same and matt and ty are almost exactly the same. How can they cut corners like this? If you make a new season for the original you did it to improve it not shit all over it. If The anime looks anything like the poster  will be so dissappointed.
    Another qualm i have with this new season is the story line in context with the other seasons. What happens to Davis, Yolei, Ken, and Cody are they cut out are they still a part of the series what happens. Also what will they add that will be new to digimon. new digivolutions for the original? new higher forms? what will they add but i guess thats  what we are waiting for.
  I may have problems with the series but i do honestly hope that they do a great job which will allow digimon to come back into popularity

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I May Be Crazy.

Today i went to the liquor b4 school started. I bought a candy for $1 i gave the lady $20 but she gave me back $9 and now i think im crazy or she took $10 from me im gonna check my other pants at home if i don't have $20 in that pocket she owes me 10$

Monday, December 8, 2014


I didn't do much this weekend other than the SAT, looking for food in my house like a pack rat because we need groceries and Pokemon Omega Ruby. I'm so angry that there are no friend safaris in ORAS it makes me want to punch a wall. That was literally  the only reason i bought the game. Why you do dis game freak WHYYYYYYYY????????!?!?!??!?!?!? Also mega evolutions for this game were honestly garbage they don't give any mega evolutions to pokemon who need a and deserve it (FLYGON). ANd also Mega Gallade has no chance against mega Gardevoir hidden ability. How does inner focus = pixilate? HOW? >:( Game FReak Needs to listen to the fans. It also needs a new soundtrack i was listening to steven universe soundtrack while playing pokemon and it was awesome.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Today is the senior rose ceremony and i am dateless and my friends jennifer is also dateless but doesnt want to go dateless together shes shady. She wants to go with her escort ANA. I am forever alone not even another dateless person will go with me.

Today's gifs of the day are...

Hamster plays dead after being shot with fingerBackflip fail

Owl moving headFly owns frog

Friday, November 14, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

AND Todays Gifs of The Day Are...

Dog vs. girl car raceMan throws bicycle at thievesBadmington juggling - 10 shuttlecocks

Carla The Girl Next To Me

So there's this girl lets name her Carla and she sits right next to me. She Just does whatever she wants acting ratchet but that's alright I don't discriminate. She sits next to some other ratchet and there's another right behind me. I'm toiling in a sea of ineptitude.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Insanity- Doing something over and over again expecting different results.-Albert Einstein If this were the definition i am considered insane due to pokemon breeding. Got to get the HA EM Chespin and Fenekin. Then HA Gengar, Blaziken, Swampert, and Sceptile. Got to get ready for ORAS

8 Days

* days untill hell is over, 8 days until these sadists stop tooturing me, 8 days until school is out

Thursday, November 6, 2014

No Life Goals

It's funny how adults don't let you get a tattoo because you MIGHT regret it later but they expect you to choose a job now that you MIGHT regret later. At tattoo at least is a physical memory from a time in your life. - Some Post on Tumblr

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Anger, Man

So I went to the doctor yesterday. When i got out i asked the receptionist for my next appointment and all she did was tell me come on time next time. I was like Bich What? You made me late. I called u 2 times on two different days and you keep me on hold. So just get out me face.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

image imageimageimageimageimage Shubbabang follow her on tumblr her comic style and jokes are hysterical